Utilization Of Reading And Viewing Approach In Teaching Noli Me Tangere To Grade Nine Learners: Basis For An Instructional Plan
Lopez ( Erlinda )
Publication Year
This study focused on the utilization of reading and viewing approach to Grade 9 students in Tala High School. This specifically aimed to measure thereading and viewing skills in terms of literal comprehension, interpretative, vocabulary and study skills of Grade 9 learners in Tala High school. The study followed the descriptive and experimental method. The researcher used survey questionnaire in ranking the following topics according to difficulty: Si Crisostomo Ibarra, found to be the most difficult, Sa Isang Piging, ranked the second most diffificult, Sa Hapunan, the third in rank and Erehe at Felibustero; and DilimsaKarimlan, ranked fourth and fifth respectively.
The findings of the study lead to the product of having an
instructional plan to be utilized by the Grade 9 Filipino teachers teaching Noli Me Tangere. Furthermore, the result also aided the researcher to find out the strengths and weakness of the students in performing tasks anchored in the lessons using reading and viewingapproach.
Lastly the different skills of the students were systematically measured through the given test and to prove that viewing is now one of the best method in teaching literature specifically in Noli Me Tangerethan teaching it in a traditional way where the need of using viewing in teaching must be considered.
As a whole, the study deemed to be beneficial to the overall utilization of viewing not only for the integration of the lesson, but also in developing our learner to be critical and logical thinker, appreciative of literary pieces by relating relevant content and current events into the students' daily lives, and get to learn to love our own literary masterpiece.
The findings of the study lead to the product of having an
instructional plan to be utilized by the Grade 9 Filipino teachers teaching Noli Me Tangere. Furthermore, the result also aided the researcher to find out the strengths and weakness of the students in performing tasks anchored in the lessons using reading and viewingapproach.
Lastly the different skills of the students were systematically measured through the given test and to prove that viewing is now one of the best method in teaching literature specifically in Noli Me Tangerethan teaching it in a traditional way where the need of using viewing in teaching must be considered.
As a whole, the study deemed to be beneficial to the overall utilization of viewing not only for the integration of the lesson, but also in developing our learner to be critical and logical thinker, appreciative of literary pieces by relating relevant content and current events into the students' daily lives, and get to learn to love our own literary masterpiece.
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