Early Care And Constructive Behavior Practices Towards Instilling Dicipline Among Grade 1 Learners

Rengel ( Myra )
Publication Year
This study attempted to determine the provision of Early Care and Constructive Behavior Practices towards instilling Discipline among Grade 1 learners.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions 1. What is the profile of the teacher in terms of Age, Gender, Educational Attainment, Length of Service, and Position?; 2. What early care do teachers provide for their learners?; 3. What are the constructive practices of teachers to their learners?; 4. What is the level of effectiveness of teachers' constructive practices in terms of praise, recognition and reward system? and 5. What capacity program can be proposed on enhancing constructive behavior practices?

The researcher applied Descriptive methods in conducting this study. Descriptive method is used in describing and narrating the results of the given study as well as the statistical tool and treatment being used in the utilization of the given study. The researcher used the Purposive Sampling Technique to determine the respondents of the study during the academic year 2018-2019. To gather the needed data, the researcher made use of questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion.

The study generated the following findings: The summary of the respondents' profile as to age group, gender, length in service, educational attainment and position.

Respondents age group reveals that out of 16 respondents, 2 Or 13% are between 22-25 years old, 1 or 6% from 26-30 years old, 56 % of the teacher respondents are between 36-40 years old and lastly, 4 or 25% are 41 years old and above.

This indicates that most teachers teaching Grade 1 learners has an age ranges from 36-40. Teachers at this age have higher levels of job satisfaction.

Mift (2013) supported that teaching field in this age is mostly dynamic for teachers and particularly during the utmost level of performance.

In terms of Gender, 15 teachers are female, making 94% of the entire population, whereas 1 male, equal to 6%. According to Eftedal (2018), Female are often more naturally compassionate than male. They have the ability to connect more with leamers because of their more direct connection to emotion. In addition,

learners may find female teachers to be more approachable, caring and less intimidating than their male counterparts.

On the other hand, 6 out of 16 respondents or 38% are Bachelor's degree Holder, 9 or 56% are Masteral Degree or currently taking their Masters Degree and 1 or 6% has finished a Doctoral Degree or PhD.

This shows that more opportunities for the respondents to become the future Master Teachers or Principal in the academe.

Remarkably, Kyle (2010). Teachers render their time in upholstering their profession that will satisfy their career then making advantage in higher ranking example is salary as a motivation.

In terms of length of service, 9 among the respondents stayed in the academe for 1-5 years. While 1 respondent h stayed to 6-10 years and 3 stayed for 11-15 years. Lastly, 3 among the respondents spent 21 years and above.

It shows that most of the respondents are young in the service and have more opportunities to future professional growth. Podolsky (2016) states teaching experience is positively associated with leamers achievement gains throughout a teacher's career. As teacher gain experience, their learners are more likely to do better on other measures of success beyond test scores, such as school attendance.

Teachers make greater gains in their effectiveness when they teach in a supportive and collegial working environment or accumulate experience in the same grade level, subject or district. In terms of position, 12 or 75% are Teacher 1, 2 or 13% for Teacher 2 and Master Teacher 1. Lastly, 1 or 6% for Master Teacher 2 and Master Teacher 3

Based from the gathered respondents' data, it shows that most of the respondents are young in the service and more opportunities for future professional growth.

The early care teachers provide to their learners, shows that "Encouraging learners to share ideas and opinions" topped the ranking with 15 point score followed by "Listen attentively when your learners talk" with a point score of 13 and "Set responsible behavior limits for everyone and be fair in enforcing these limits with 12 points score.

Meanwhile, "Have learners create study buddy groups, Show sense of humor and Stressing out the things that you and your learners have in common: goals, dreams and beliefs" perceived as the least on the bottom with a point scores of 8, 7 and 5 respectively.

The teachers' constructive behavior practices in instilling discipline shows that among the indicators "Provide opportunities for active participation

Encourage interaction among learners, and Emphasize time on task" placed on the top three among the indicators recording a point scores of 78, 77 and 74 respectively. This Ranking is followed by "Establish and teach classroom routines, Avoid words that are overly autocratic and Deliver warnings and reminders in calm manner gaining a point scores of 73, 72 and 71 orderly.

Remarkably, "Establish classroom rules and consequences with learners output" perceived as the least among the indicator recording the lowest point score of 48 followed by "Establish good communication skill to your learners" at 67 point score.

Based on the conducted Focused Group Discussion by the researcher, she found out that teachers provide different constructive behavior practices in instilling behavior to their learners like interactive learning, positive gestures,
use hand signal in calling learners' attention, giving rewards and recognition and appreciation on the job well done of the learners.

On the other hand, the level of effectiveness of teachers' constructive practices recorded its highest rating on "Recognition placing on the first rank with a numerical rating of 2.13 followed by "Praising" with a numerical rating of 1.67 while "Rewarding System is viewed on the bottom list with a numerical rating of 1.38. It shows that, most of the respondents practice giving recognitions to their learners.

Based on the findings of the study the researcher came up with a proposed capacity program on enhancing constructive behavior practices.

The proposed capacity program of the researcher is a matrix that can be utilized for the improvement of teacher in teaching their learners.

Constructive discipline by teachers can lead to a more effective way to manage their learners' behavior and these early cares and constructive practices of teachers help learners strengthen problem solving and critical thinking skills, they feel motivated in doing daily routines inside the classroom. 
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