Challenges And Performance Of Grade Level Chairperson In Selected Public Elementary School

Ronolo ( Juliet )
Publication Year
This study aimed to determine the challenges encountered by the Grade Level Chairpersons in Selected Public Elementary School.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1. What are the challenges encountered by the grade level chairman among selected elementary school in Caloocan?; 2. What is the performance of grade level chairman teacher respondents based on 2017-2018 1IPCRF?; 3. Is there a significant difference between the performance of grade level chairman teacher of different schools in terms of 2017-2018 IPCRF?; and 4. How may the findings be utilized in the formulation of school-based guidelines?

The researcher utilized the descriptive method. Descriptive method as presented and elaborated by the Best and Khan (2003) is the use of a survey or an assessment approach for the purpose of collecting information that allows one to tackle the characteristics of persons and their perceptions. It shows facts concerning the nature and status of the study. It is concerned with the conditions or relationship that emerge of exist process that are going on and effects that are felt and trends that are developing.

This study utilized a pre-designed research questionnaire to solicit perception from the respondents on the challenges encountered of the Grade Level Chairman among Selected Elementary School in Caloocan. It also adopted various approaches such as utilizing a customized research administrative form (RAF) to gather the result on the IPCRF Rating of the Grade Level Chairman for school year 2017-2018;

The study generated the following findings: It shows that among the identified problems Grade Level Chairpersons work too many roles at the same time, recorded the most challenging on the first rank followed by Grade Chairman being made accountable for more than their supposed capability and Lack of teamwork, empathy, and support between teachers on the second and third rank respectively.

Furthermore, This study describe the primary obstructions and burdens of concerned grade level chairman in the performance of their ancillary designations on top of their usual tasks as teachers in their respective assignment. It is also noted that among the top ten challenging problems, Development and growth in Information Communications Technology (ICT). Involvement of parent's in their learning and Curriculum overload are included in the bottom three challenging problems encountered by concerned grade level chairman.

The performance of all the grade level chairman in selected school under study is average. This rating were based from the Individual Performance Commitment Review Form (IPCRF) on files of respective schools. This shows that the overall mean of their performance recorded a numerical rating of 4.06 with an equivalent adjectival rating of Very Satisfactory.

These rating further manifested that despites of too many roles at the same time, being made accountable for more than their supposed capability and excessive paperwork for data collection, grade level chairmen are still capable of keeping up the very satisfactory rating in their respective IPCRF.

The computed value (1.970) is less than the critical value (2.1521) hence the Null hypothesis was accepted. This revealed that there is no significant difference among the performance of grade level chairman of various schools based on 2017 2018 IPCRF implying that all grade level chairmen in various schools are equally performing on the same level.

Based on the findings the following conclusions were drawn: 1) Grade Level Chairpersons are working too many roles at the same time. It is the primary obstructions and burdens of concerned grade level chairman in the performance of their ancillary designations on top of their usual tasks as teachers in their respective assignment; 2) Despite of too many roles at the same time, being made accountable for more than their supposed capability and excessive paperwork for data collection, grade level chairmen were still capable of keeping up the very satisfactory rating in their respective IPCRF. 3) The performance of grade level chairman of various schools based on 2017- 2018 IPCRF implying that all grade level chairmen in various schools are equally performing on the same level; and 4) The proposed school-based guidelines of the researcher is a manual to provide reference and guidance to address a variety of specific needs for the aspiring grade level chairman teacher.

In the light of these findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are offered. 1) The grade level person should be flexible to work in their respective task or in handling different roles at the same time, and division of labor should be implementing. 2) The grade level chairman might be given recognition by the Division Office for their very satisfactory performance; 3) The grade level chairman should enroll graduate schools in order to be promoted; and 4) The use of the proposed a grade level chairman's manual that will serve as a basis and guide for implementing the systematic plan and work routines. 
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