Technology-Based Instruction In Teaching Environmental Literacy In Grade 9 Earth Science

Abonita ( Gemma )
Publication Year
The focus of this paper is technology-based instruction as an instructional strategy for motivating students and capture their attention during discussion on various lessons in Grade 9 Science. In this paper, it is envisioned to spark learners' interest in Environmental Science and enhance their performance. As what Prinsky once said in his view on incorporating technology in teaching that change is needed because "todays' students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach."

More so, in line with this intensifying lessons regarding environment on all science subjects, teachers are encouraged to use various instructional materials such as books, visual aids, teaching guides and materials in making the students aware of the concerns and issues on the environment which shall promotes students participation in environmental activities and advocacies and instil in their minds the need to preserve and protect the environment.

The following were obtained in the study .Topics to which learners have low performance in Grade 9 Earth Science were Constellation and Volcano of which the MPS score reflects No mastery. More so, the technology based instructional material that was developed in teaching Grade 9 Earth Science are activity manual that uses computer, internet connections, cellphones and sound blasters.

Much more, the level of effectiveness of the develop technology based instruction reflects the performance of the learners in terms of the result of the pre-test and post-test. For the pre-test it reflects a low mean, high Sd and below 75% MPS, wherein the proficiency level of learners was no mastery. On the other hand, on the result of the post-test, there was a High Mean, High Sd and a High MPS which reflects a Proficiency level of above 75% interpreted to be with mastery.

Consequently, in determining the significant difference between scores obtained in the pre-test and post-test shows that the computed t-value was remarkably higher than the tabulated value for 0.05 level of significance and degree of freedom of 49 and implies that the null hypothesis is rejected, thus there is a significant difference on the pre-test and post-test scores, of which this shows that there was an improvement on the performance of the student- respondents after the integration of technology in teaching lessons on Grade 9 Earth Science for the third quarter.

In addition, for the challenges encountered in the implementation of technology based instruction it reflects that the top most challenge on part of the teacher were: criteria 3 "does not have clear instructions on how to use", Criteria 9 "costly to develop" and criteria 7"require a lot of time to develop". On the other hand, the least challenge on the part of the teacher includes criteria 4 "are not interactive", criteria 1 'cannot arouse learners curiosity' and criteria 8 'not visually appealing'.

In the study. the proposed technology-based manual presented are, Activity for constellation entitled, Star Search which includes the following objectives: relate color with the temperature of a star, explain the factors that affects the brightness, and compare the characteristics of the sun to the other star in the universe. In doing the activity materials such as computer with internet connection will be needed. Specific link will be given by the teacher for the students to search via internet Guide questions are given before the end of the activity", while in the Lets Do the Dots Activity" the objectives are: infer that the arrangement of stars in a group in a constellations does not change, observe that the position of constellations changes in the course of night and name and draw some famous constellation. In this activity students will be using cellphone with downloaded Starwalk 2 application.. In procedure 1 students are ask to use starwalk's search button to search and draw common constellation. while in Procedure 2 allow the students to manipulate time machine button of the application and be able to draw a constellation at a particular time and infer the changes in the formation of constellation with respect to time. Lastly, Volcano Song Activity's objectives are: differentiate active from active volcano, draw three types of volcanic cone, examine the effects of volcanic eruption. Materials like sound blaster is needed in the activity. 
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