analytical study of the rearing practices as determinants for child development: implications to effective home management

Narcise ( Nimfa )
Children are helpless when they are born; they need to be taken cared of. They need to be properly fed, clothed, sheltered, and given all the necessary comforts. They need to be sent to school until they Siruno (14:125) has emphasized that child rearing is treating the child with tender love and gentle caress to make them feel secured. are capable of leading independent lives. Child rearing also involves giving corrections and punishment. They should know right from wrong, teach them to accept mistakes andvalue every minute of the day. Parents are the first teachers and models of children. The parents, in most cases, the mothers, provide the environment where habitat and lessons in the children's lives are learned.

Before children start school, they have learned a great deal about the world. Their knowledge comes largely from parents, siblings, friends and their community. The experience in the home. and the neighborhood provides a sense of self and a sense of how the world works. Thus, what goes on in the micro-world of the family profoundly affects how children perceive and experience the macro world beyond the home.

Lopez (20:149) has said that child rearing is a major task that should be taken with tender loving care. It is not meant to be a challenge or burden, but to bring joy and pleasure. It involves the management, motivation, and direction of pupils in the home, school, and other environment. The success or failure of child development depends on the ability of the parents or any adult to control, to motivate, and to direct the activities of growing children and youth. The practices involved in such control constitute a factor of vital importance in the rearing process. How well or healthy a child grows, as well as what habits and attitudes are acquired, are influenced by the child rearing techniques and practices employed by the parents and adults around the child. 
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